Friday, March 4, 2011


K - night in shining armour

E - exquisitely hot and gorgeous

R - omantic in his own ways

W - it of an intellect

I - nside and out, beauty unparalleled

N - aughty at times but generally nice c",)

C - arefree and independent

A - rtistically inclined

B - old and daring (see his portfolio)

A - ngelic voice that would sweep you off your feet

L - ikeable in his unique way

L - oving and caring

E - nergy beyond compare

R - avishing and fashionable

O - ne of a kind!

To Kerwin, may you have many more birthdays to come! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY
 "Happy Birthday @Kerwin Caballero! (as requested by @The Gay Life of VinVin)"

Photo Credits: Kerwin Caballero's Facebook

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