Thursday, June 23, 2011


Singapore has suddenly made a very good campaign for their celebration of LGBT rights. Their video dedicated for their Pink Dot 2011 event which was held last June 18, 2011 is really an emotional packed one.

These are the lines uttered in the video and one could really feel the deep message of this piece

If only I have the courage to stand up for him...
- Always an issue with LGBT. It's difficlut to stand up for people moreso since it is doubly hard to stand up for one's self. The fear is there as the people around would only judge and criticize.

If only I could tell him there's no need to hide...
- Acceptance is always difficult as the feeling of family and peer pressure comes in. But the question is who will eventually suffer. Is it the people that wants you to achieve on something or is it yourself that would keep hiding?

If only I could let them know that their love for each other is beautiful too...
- As for what I know, love is universal. That said it should weather all boundaries set by time, age, culture and even gender. Love is a wonderful feeling and being such means it needs to be shared. There is no one single correct way to spread love so how different is LGBT love?

If only I could show her how much she means to me...
- Definition and public acceptance - some of the things gay people look for. If only people around could just let them feel important.

If only gay people would stop feeling guilty for being different...
- I don't treat being gay as being different. I usually call it as being unique. In uniqueness comes the feeling of being special. Gay people are special for they are given God-graced talents and abilities that could make people smile.

If only the world can see what I see...
- Yes, if only the world could just see...

Being lesbian, gay, transgender or bisexual in this world is sure difficult but as time passes, the doors for social acceptance is getting bigger and bigger. All of the people in the world should know that whatever your sexual preferences may be, people are created equal. Acceptance is the key for people in the LGBT community to feel at ease. The fear would disappear once this feeling is established and all of us in the world would just feel the wonderful emotion of love. FEEL PINK.

Youtube Link:

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