Sunday, October 2, 2011


Female leads on movies usually don't hit it big in the screens (TV or movie), save for some like "Charlie's Angels, Kill Bill, Salt, Alias, Tomb Raider and others. But still the producers and director of "Colombiana" braved that storm. And putting a relative upstart in the lead is a big challenge. Never mind if Zoe's biggest break came with the highest grossing film ever "Avatar". This is entirely a different ball game.

Colombiana is a typical revenge story where the girl shows everyone else that she can kick butt and will do all there is to make sure the death of her loved ones would be avenged. Zoe is sizzling hot and gorgeous and her fight scenes were all great and to be noted of. She has embodied a cold-blooded assassin to a great fit. Some of the lines may be a bit off and for sure the writers tried to inject some love angle to the film that did not work by much.

With the tagline that says "Vengeance is Beautiful", "Colombiana" succeeded in giving us a high-octane action flick and makes us remember that girls can do kick butt. While the scenes and lines are all too familiar, the cinematography and the visuals of the films were taken differently with a sort of sepia feel, adding grunge to the entire feel and experience.

Colombiana is 4 out of 5 popcorns.

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