Tuesday, October 2, 2012


(from Penshoppe Official Facebook page)

As part of Penshoppe's commitment to bring big stars in the country, they now bring us the ever gorgeous and charming Zac Efron. I was there to witness the Fan Conference 2012 and what I could say was it was relatively a good one.

Although, at the beginning it was turning out to be a slow program before the front acts did their thing, as the night progressed it was just an event of frenzy. I was surprised how people from different age range are there. Kids and even grandmas are there to have a chance to see Zac Efron up close. I could not get a good pic of him as I was just in the Lower Box portion of SM Arena so no real big pics. (I'm using one I found on the Penshoppe official page)

The front acts did a good job in making the audience entertained from the power voices of "La Diva", to the alternative sounds of "Never The Strangers', the groovy voice of "Jay-R" and the heart-pumping performance of the UP pep squad. But big cheers came as Zac finally gets out of the stage and did a mini catwalk on the ramp. And man, the individual who got her jacket was plain lucky. And a total of roughly 100+ fans get a chance to have some picture taken with Zac on stage.

The interview portion wit Boy Abunda was also so nice and bubbly and shows how down-to-earth a person Zac is. And his smile was just so nice that fans just keep on gushing how cute and hot he is. He is truly a charmer and one that is so nice. Thanks again for Penshoppe and thanks to Zac as well for making his Filipino fans happy.

*only the first pic is from Penshoppe Official Page, the rest are blogger's own.

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