Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Ate Rose and Ate Mel, I would have not made it this far without you two. 2013 saw me almost crumble from the difficulties and painstaking circumstances but you were both there to support me and egg to move on. Here's to a better 2014 ahead of us.

Ate Rose, you have been through tough situations this year as well but I admire your strength and will to continue. I know what I have experienced in 2013 is uncomparable to what you have gone through this year. Still, you remain as strong and determined. It is a sad day that someone close to your heart has to leave you in the person of a lovely daughter as Gwyneth but as the year comes to a close, more and more blessings come abound at your doorsteps which only proves how wonderful a person you are. Always remain as good as you are and I know things would only get better. My most sincere of love and gratitude, Ate Rose.

Ate Mel, 2013 is also a challenge to you but like all of us we hanged on. Tough challenges have rocked your world and our entire family but you have always stayed strong. We may be a bit far from each other now but deep in our hearts we remain as brothers. Tears may have fallen but I know in the end, God has some great things planned for you - for all of us. I love you Ate Mel and thanks a lot.

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