Monday, November 6, 2017


MCU has become such a huge success both critically and commercially through the years although at the bottom of the spectrum usually is where Thor finds itself. And with Thor: Ragnarok being the 3rd film in the trilogy, some may find hesitations in taking the plunge for the ride.

But alas, Ragnarok was superb in all cylinders and the great word of mouth spread like fire making people flock in and watch the film. What happened that saw Thor do such a 360? Majority of the film's success lies with the new treatment. With a new director at helm, Ragnarok did not faze away with experimenting. This may be MCU's riskiest and most audacious film to date but Ragnarok with bold choices and effortlessly triumphs. With a visionary director on hand, Taika Waititi took the Thor franchise into an unchartered territory. He showed us a more humane and funnier God of Thunder. The punchlines were on point, witty and very well timed. It is good that Waititi saw Chris Hemsworth's chops in comedy and he really delivered. Combined that with the sarcasmic humor of Tom Hiddleston's Loki and you have a winner indeed. And Hela (Cate Blanchett) being the first female villain in the MCU was definitely kick-ass. The others in the cast were equally brilliant with Jeff Goldblum (Grandmaster), Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) and Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) making each scene memorable.

Aside for the great direction and acting, Thor was visually exceptional and vastly different from the dark undertones of the first 2 Thor films. Ragnarok dives into something colorful, fun and pleasing making each frame a cinematic treat. Combine the wonderful cinematography with the great visuals and awesome soundtrack and you are sure to be taken to a different world - a world the first 2 films failed to immerse us with.

Thor: Ragnarok is charming and goofy at the same time and I could not complain at all. This was a sure-fire hit from the get-go! 9.5 out of 10 popcorns for me!

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