Thursday, February 13, 2020


Survivor 40 is up and running and this season promises to be the battle of the heavyweights as we see 20 former champions who will duke it out for the top prize this time around. It took 20 years before such a momentous event like this happened in the land of Survivor but fans all over are gushing and really excited. Jeff Probst promises this season as the best and the most unpredictable of them all.

There is the return of the Edge of Extinction and the addition of a brand new twist in "Fire Tokens" whose importance will be explained further as we go deeper into the season. For the 20 former winners, everyone has a fair chance of winning but some may have stronger chances than the others. The potential early boots may come in the faces of some familiar and famous ones. First may be Sandra Diaz-Twine who is already a double winner which makes her one of the obvious targets early on. Second would be the tandem of Rob and Amber Mariano as fellow contestants may see their relationship as potential threat to the game if they go further. Then the big personality of Tony Vlachos may prove costly for him as others might be easily annoyed by him on the get go. 

That being said, on the flip side of the coin, this season may potentially go to someone that goes under the radar. And three ladies may be up for the potential of winning it if they play their cards right. Sophie Clarke from "Survivor: South Pacific" may be one of the front runners as she is both low-key but likeable at the same time. It's just a matter of aligning with the right people from the start. Another potential sleeper winner who might go under the radar is Michelle Fitzgerald from "Kaoh Rong" who might just sneak into the latter stages. And lastly Danni Boatwright from Guatemala could also surprise us all as one "silent killer" of "giants and greats". 

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