The newest addition to the long series of Step Up movies promises to be more engaging and dance-filled than the previous installments and so comes Step Up: Revolution.
This time, the movie focuses on dreams of young dance group called "The Mob" wherein they try to get attention, fame, money and ultimate success. Their leader is Sean aptly played by Bryan Guzman. His acting, voice tone and physique reminds me of the young Channing Tatum back those days. He shows the group that dancing could really make them famous as he leads his mob to several dance appearances all across Miami. And in the process he and some of his gang works for a hotel which happens to be owned by a rich man who has a daughter that is very much into dancing, Emily played by Kathryn McCormick.

The pair has chemistry as it was shown on the entire film where you could feel the warmth of their company. That alone makes it a good springboard to a somewhat standard storybase and familiar territory. But Step Up Revolution really has big points under their sleeves. The dance routines in here are new, freah and wicked. I have seen some moves that are not usually done and shown on free television. The choreography was splendid and the stunts were superb. Add the fact that the music and sound effects were particularly noteworthy immersing you into the emotions of the scenes.
Another strong point of this film was when the old casts from previous installments graced the screens and danced their hearts out. It was particularly nice seeing Moose once again so as with the other great dance acts from previous movies.
Although as already told, the film treads into familiar territory, it still succeeded in bringing what it was intended to deliver and that is mind-tingling stunts and dance routines. It was one great experience and you'll surely think of dancing your hearts out when you're done. This one's
4.5 out of 5 popcorns.
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