I have been blogging since August 2010 and from the time I discovered Nuffnang, I just could not resist joining. But why do I really love Nuffnang? There are several reasons. First of all, Nuffnang helps me in gaining ads for my blog which in turn helps me earn in some way or another. Secondly, Nuffnang treats us with loads of surprises from different contests, freebies and events. I myself has been part of some of them since I joined last year. I joined in the “Social Network” screening, got tickets for Pacquiao-Margarito, got freebies from DKNY and even won a contest (PLDT MyDsl) to name a few. Those were truly precious moments. Imagine having all those perks while doing what I love – writing.

But while the above mentioned reasons are nice and all, the best part about Nuffnang is that it is a community. It lets bloggers be one as a family. It is an avenue for meeting people and interaction. This Nuffamily Day, I am very much eager to join my family again in this wonderful celebration. And I’ll bring one(1) friend with me to experience this wonderful event. And we will be riding the Nuffbus by the way for us to get to know more people and broaden our network. So I’ve got my May 28 blocked already for this momentous affair.
So, what really is Nuffnang for me?
Nuffnang is a way of life which adds to the wonderful and busy life of not only me but also all the other blogger members of this community.
N - eighborhood of talented people
U - nited to spread news and stuff around the world
F - un loving and wonderful
F - antastic and superb
N - ice writers who share thoughts
A - rtistic, Imaginative, Creative
N - ot just your ordinary community
G - reatness beyond compare
And also, thanks to all the sponsors who are part of this wonderful event. Without all of you, this day won't be possible
Photo Credits: Nuffnang and bloggers own
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