by Bluecloud
I’m about to fall adrift
In a sober mood as you may see
Almost dropping off
Like a log without a fight
Tears are just but normal
Pain is but ordinary
Hurt is something I’m used too
Death almost inevitable
But then you came along
Saved me from oblivion
Took my hand and held it
So tight keeping me near
Rescued me out of the limbo
Use your body to shield me
Made sure I’ll be safer
You came along when I was down
No ifs no buts, you helped me out
Provided shoulder to cry on
Gentle arms to feel comfort
Constantly lifted my spirits
Always makes me smile
Tickles in a way I like
You never left me, not by a mile
Thanks for coming by
Always making sure I’m okay
You are indeed my sanctuary
Stay forever… please do…
i love this poem of yours... so nice and so touching...